Culture Is King
From home, school, work or social environment. Culture is king! People generally like to go with the status quo. there may be a number of reasons this is, fitting in to the social circle is important to everyone. Being accepted by our peers. This is why it is important to select our peers carefully. It has been said that we are the sum average of the four people that we spend most time with. If you spend time with people that are highly motivated, maintains a fit and healthy life style it is more then likely that you will mirror that lifestyle.
Think about it! Is there anything you would love to do but don’t. Lose weight, get fit or even study? perhaps it is simply that what you do or who you spend time with is shaping your thoughts and in turn your life. Let’s just look at losing weight for instance, You eat well all week, your friends ring up for a session down the pub, all your hard work is undone on Friday night with a few beers, and some nibbles. It is very easy to do.
Mat culture is the same at any Martial Arts Academy. I like to think that everyone at the academy where I train we all have the same outlook. But of course there will always be a small percentage that don’t share the vision of the group. It is important to keep them on task and get on board with the vision of the academy.
What should that vision be? for me, I want every person to be welcoming, friendly and helpful for all members to reach their goals. I do not want knuckle draggers who just want to prove how tough they are, or selfish people in it for themselves. I want members who are engaged in trying their best, reaching their goals and genuinely wanting to help others do the same. As a club member be willing to help out. Instead of leaving empty bottles lying around, clean up, assist in demonstrations and support the club when we have comps and seminars. The coach notices’s who does and who doesn’t, more importantly so does your team mates. If your team mates think you don’t support the team as a whole you will quickly find that you will lose support of the team. How can you change this? accept the culture, be the leader of the culture, be the first to help out, be the first to volunteer at Demo’s, Assist in running and organising comps, attend team hosted seminars, clean up days( you mess it, you clean it), recruit new members, It is the lifeblood of the academy. Culture is king! people will follow your example good and bad, If all members come to training with the goal to help others, you cant fail as you would have 50 people sharing your goal, and working towards that goal. The important thing to remember that means you also must be engaged work towards the goals of 50 other members. It is like that golden rule! treat others how you want to be treated, don’t ask people to do things that you wouldn’t do for them. Give as much as you take!
Add to the mat culture, bring some positive energy to who you spend time with. It will pay dividends in the long run.